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IMPORTANT COMMITTEE CHANGES - We need your feedback!


          Hello all! Below is an important announcement that concerns all company members, especially first years thinking of being involved with Minotaur next year. Whoever you are though, we would love to hear as much feedback from you as possible!


          Minotaur Theatre Company strives to provide Drama students at UEA with opportunities to showcase their work outside of the academic programme. This year, that’s been harder than ever, but we have produced some amazing work already and more is underway. Our committee is still working to provide as much practical experience as possible, including acting, tech, singing, dancing and writing opportunities, as well as talks and workshops throughout the year spanning a range of educational topics. We are also dedicated to cultivating the relationships between students at UEA, especially in a landscape where social interaction is minimal. Additionally, we are doing what we can to make ourselves a more inclusive and student-minded theatre company, bolstering welfare support and clarifying grey areas in rehearsal and theatre practice.


           This year, we are also working closely with staff to provide more formal experiences to supplement our time at UEA. Even though it’s been a difficult year for everyone, we have very high hopes for the future.

Therefore, we hope to pass onto a committee that is well-organised, streamlined and effective in the new academic year. Hustings and elections will be coming up in June (which we are already planning), so in conversation with Drama staff, we are proposing a change of committee structure that we would love to hear your feedback and opinions on.


Attached is a photo displaying our current proposed changes to the Minotaur committee, trialling over the Easter break (and onward) and hopefully implementing well before the next academic year. The changes are simply:

  • Breaking the committee up into ‘teams’ led by ‘executive’ members that meet more regularly than the wider committee,

  • Thus clarifying the ‘chain’ of work and communication between the committee and rest of the company.


          Why are we making these changes?

  • Committee members can work together on issues in meetings separate to whole committee meetings,

  • Teams can address the wider company more independently,

  • Our meetings will be smaller, but more focused and effective,

  • These teams can ask other non-committee members of the company for extra help on projects (i.e. an extra photographer here or an editor there) and organise this in a streamlined way.


          So those are our ideas. Now, we would really appreciate hearing your thoughts and opinions on this! Linked at the bottom of this post is a Google Form in which we’d love as many responses as possible, so please do fill it out (it should take you no longer than five minutes). Also, feel free to comment below with any questions, or alternatively message either me (Matthew Warwick) or Ekaterina Dudakova.

          We believe it is important that you have a say in how your committee is run.

          We’ll be considering your feedback closely over the next month, as well as staff feedback, to give next year’s committee the easiest job possible.


Thank you for reading this! We look forward to a great rest of the year.

Feedback form link


        New structure schematic

committee New structure.jpg
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