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  • Edward Dyer

The Psychosocial Gathering: Week 7

It’s a sad time for us all; it’s time for the seventh, and final, Psychosocial Newsletter. It’s been almost two months since we started off these weekly updates, and even longer since we embarked upon this project.

< WEEK 6 | WEEK 7

We say goodbye to The Psychosocial Gathering, Edfringe 2014!

We raised an incredible amount through fundraising, late nights were shared in the creation of the final script, emails a-plenty have been sent, discussing publicity, finance and accommodation, all the posters and fliers have been used, our mile t-shirts have been packed away and the sofa returned. We’ve all had an incredible time working on Minotaur Theatre Company’s 2014 Edinburgh show, The Psychosocial Gathering; it’s been one hell of a party – or was it a gathering?

As promised, here is our final video blog from director Martha Geelan. We think it sums up our time working on this project really well:

The show was very well received up on Edinburgh – we sold 70% of all available tickets, which is amazing for a student-run Fringe show. To give you an idea: most theatre companies in our position sell between 6-10 tickets a day… we averaged 38.

Loved by audiences and reviewers alike, here are a couple of quotes:

David Harris, Edfringe Review

…delivered in brilliantly straight-faced style…

Charlotte Orr, audience member

A truly fabulous and entertaining performance

If you’ve seen any of our social media pages recently, you’ll also see that we’ve been long listed for the National Student’s Drama Festival’s Edinburgh Festival Award this year. It’s a great step in the right direction to having our efforts recognised by the artistic community.

Now we’re drawing to a close, we want to take this opportunity to, once again, personally thank all of our sponsors, and to anyone who helped raise money towards The Psychosocial Gathering. We hope you enjoyed the performance if you had chance to see it. Please keep an eye out for any future Edinburgh shows from UEA and look out on the website for any and all of our upcoming shows during the autumn semester – who knows, you may even see a one-night Psycho revival… so until then…

The Cast and Crew of The Psychosocial Gathering

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