One of the main things we've tried to do with our website over the last year has been to rummage through the archives and produce a website which is filled with content old and new. Well, today marks a wonderful milestone in the history of our company. Minotaur continues to grow and evolve...

One of the most exciting things is being able to see every single Minotaur Production, way back from 2009. Did you know that The Real Inspector Hound has been produced by our company twice in the last six years? Did you know that our resident admin Scott Brown, has been known to belt out a tune or two in Cabaret? Back in 2010, the company bravely asked if The Pillowman was the best show Minotaur had ever created - do you think there have been any better ones since? Did you know that Cabaret 2009 made £500 for charity? We've come a long way since then! And why not take a watch of some of the Shorts from the Shorts Festival back in 2009 and see if you recognise any faces, or can 'borrow' any ideas to create a new masterpiece for the Shorts 2015? Even Dramasoc has had a bit of an update, with a smattering of posters from 2009 as well...
But that's not all, with the Hustings quickly approaching at the end of yet another acadmic year, why not look back at all of those who have been involved with the committee since the way back time of 2007? You might even get a shot of their smiling faces too.

We're always dedicated to setting a record of everything we've done - so please get in touch if you notice anything missing from the site, or if you can give us any information further back than we've already gone. You can contact us from our Contact page.
So what are you waiting for, head over to the Productions Page to find out more!